Helping black women heal from the symptoms of love addiction, love avoidance, love deprivation and the trauma that causes it

what is Black Girls Heal?

We are an online community and coaching program dedicated to helping women break the cycles of unavailable partnerships, unhealthy relationships and feeling not enough via evidence based and real, actionable tools.

As the #1 go-to resource for women of color with chronic relationship problems and self worth issues we promise our students that if they do the work, then they will learn to THRIVE.

What makes us different?

Founded by a therapist and childhood trauma expert, because of years of experience and training, we know the exact reasons and why women end up in impossible relationships, avoid intimacy, and seem to be in a never ending pattern of romantic binging and fasting with poor results.

We know how to break down to you what is happening in way that you can understand that is not too academic where it loses its soul and not so general that you lose how this relates specifically to you.

And most importantly, we know how to

help you break those patterns for good.

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Shena Lashey

Meet your teacher

Hi, I’m Shena!

I’m a love addiction expert, attachment specialist, and trauma therapist with a desire to help women finally get out of these destructive cycles.

But more importantly, I’m a woman who has been on the same journey of repetitive impossible relationships and living in fantasy. After years of trying to figure it out myself and using methods that helped a little bit but never for long, I was FINALLY able to break free where I now have healthy, fulfilling relationships and a secure sense of who I am.


Outwardly, I presented as confident, while innerwardly, I had an inner ache and craved reassurance that I was okay.

I self medicated by using romantic partnerships, work accomplishments, trying to “fix” people who needed me, dressing in the flyest outfit, or going on lustworthy travel vacations.

I was constantly doing the most to try to feel better about myself and feel the void.

After years of trying to DIY my healing process, use what I knew from being a therapist to use on myself, and reading all of the books Amazon had to offer, I finally found the keys that helped me break these cycles…

And now I’m dedicated to helping women who have tried all of the things and are ready to change do the work to get there.


JOIN ME to finally be able to do your own inner healing AND transform your relationships to what you've been unsuccessfully trying to create your own.

You can also see me in the press by clicking here.




Our experience helping women heal from old pain and trauma is what assures your self worth and inner belief will increase. As a result, you will find a major transformation.

Don’t believe me? Listen to our students:

“I want to sincerely thank you. Your class really kick-started my healing process. Before I signed up, I was a complete mess. I don’t even remember how I came across your platform, but thank God I did!

Currently, I’ve enrolled into grad school to study clinical mental health counseling, something I’ve always wanted to do but was afraid my parents wouldn’t approve of. I’m going to support meetings. I’ve joined a church and serve on a few ministries.

Overall I’m just authentically happy, finally.
I still have work to do, but I’m glad about it.”


“Things with me are changing quickly! I’ve started seeing someone, and it seems to be going well! I am not getting freaked out! The lessons really helped. But I wanted to say thank you so much! I would have never given a healthy man like him a chance EVER without your help!”


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  • Like you’re making movement only to take a few steps back later

  • Hopeless and attracted to the fantasy of who someone is versus who they actually are

  • Overwhelmed by trying to fix or save people from themselves only to be taken advantage of or feel resentful in the end

  • Like isolating was the only “safe” way to be even though parts of you still wanted to be connected to others

  • Out of control when it comes to relationships

  • Afraid that this is how it will always be

Well, this is NOT how it will always be.

At least, it doesn’t have to be.

We can help.

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Making it happen

Meet the gals behind the magic of Black Girls Heal brand.