Helping black women heal from the symptoms of love addiction, love avoidance, love deprivation and the trauma that causes it

How to Pick Partners for Love Addicts:

A Comprehensive Relationship Guide to Breaking Free from Toxic Patterns and Choosing Those Who Are Ready for Love

Building relationships can be difficult, especially if you have a pattern of giving those with toxic traits and undetectable signs of unavailability a chance. It can be years into your relationship before you discover that there were cracks in the foundation when not aware of what to look for. This intensive guide is to help women determine if potential lovers, friends, family members are available versus unavailable.

You will learn behaviors that you may be doing to push others away as well and also how to communicate your needs to build intimacy with those you love or set boundaries with others.

The No Contact Guide for Love Addicts

The Fool-Proof Method to Let Go and Move on from Trauma Bonded Relationships

For recovering love addicts, No Contact is a vital tool to allow those experiencing it the ability to let go, create distance, heal, and replace the dysfunctional relationship with activities and partnerships that actually bring them joy.

In this book, we will talk about the no contact process for those who struggle with love addiction, why it's more than just not talking to a person, and beginning the process of finding themselves again.

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Mindfulness Coloring Book

The Black Girls Heal Mindfulness Coloring Book was created with the purpose to celebrate the beauty of black woman-hood while providing a healthy outlet for stress and trauma. As a supplement to the Black Girls Heal Trauma Recovery Program, these coloring pages are a perfect way to engage in inner child work while owning your story.

Enjoy the beautiful images of black women of all shapes and sizes representing important core components of healing and growth.


healing circle workbook

Volume 1: Foundations

This Healing Circle Group Workbook is designed to help black women connect practice vulnerability and connection to heal unresolved wounds. This guide assists women in starting their healing circle, creating a safe container, and how to support each other.

In this 12 week foundational volume, women will discuss topics of forgiveness, self love, and boundaries.