Episode #111: 3 Ways to Know You’ve Grown and are Healthier

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It’s time to give yourself a pat on the back. One of the things we as women, but especially Black women, don’t do often enough is recognize when we’ve made progress. This is why I’m sharing three ways to know that you’ve grown and are healthier. 

The reason I decided it was time for this type of episode was because of a conversation I had with one of my coaching students. We were talking about some things going on in her life and she kept prefacing her comments with, “I’m love avoidant…” or “I’m trying to be less love avoidant…” 

As she was talking I had to stop her and point out that she isn’t love avoidant anymore. She’d made huge progress and was actually approaching various situations in completely new ways and had really stepped away from being love avoidant. 

The problem was, she couldn’t see it. She didn’t recognize her growth for what it was and continued to see herself as the person she was when she first started her work. 

Which is why you need to do the work, but then recognize it when you’ve grown. If you’ve started pausing before you react, been more open to alternative viewpoints, and have started feeling your emotions, then you’ve grown. 

Listen in to hear more and then take a moment to celebrate your growth and give yourself a pat on the back. Even if you’ve only fully stepped into one of these areas, you are on the path to healing and you need to celebrate your milestones. I’m giving you that permission right now! 

In this episode: 

  • [00:51] It’s so important to give yourself credit and recognize that you’ve grown. Learn why!

  • [01:27] Why I’m sharing this topic.

  • [04:54] Learn three signs that you have grown and get ready to celebrate them.

  • [06:06] Do you pause before you react? Then you’ve grown!

  • [08:41] Have you been more open to seeing alternative viewpoints in a conversation?

  • [11:39] Asking questions and being curious is very helpful in relationships.

  • [13:19] You have a choice when you ask the phrase, “Is that true?” in a conversation.

  • [16:07] Another alternative is acknowledging when you go into fantasy mode while dating.

  • [19:41] Choose the meaning you attach to your emotions and feelings.

  • [20:16] The third sign you’ve grown is that you’re able to feel your emotions and validate them.

  • [22:01] One bonus sign is that you share your emotions with people who are safe.

  • [25:34] Pat yourself on the back and celebrate your growth.

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